Friday, August 20, 2010

FMS Cup & CTS Track Pack Version 4.0

FMS Cup & CTS Track Pack Version 4.0
Initial Release: 04/01/10 by JNS Tracks,
Final Relase: 08/20/10 by JNS Tracks, and Freedom Motorsports,
This pack contains all of the current CUP and CTS style tracks for use with the NSS 2010 Mod provided by John Alley and FMS (

These tracks should be considered fictional as they do not exactly duplicate any real world tracks. They can be substituted for real world tracks that these may resemble.

Note: Multiple links are provided for availability. All links contain the same file.







Before installing this track pack please delete any FMS_Tracks folder from your locations folder and HAT files that may be in your "rFactor\userdata\log\hat" folder. Now you can install this track pack by extracting the exe file from the downloaded zip file to a temp location on your system and double-click on it. Make any corrections that may be needed to the default game location shown (C:\Program Files\rFactor\) and click the unzip button.

That’s it, now you can fire up the game and go racing.

Needing a league that uses our tracks with the NSS 2010 mod? Then check out Freedom Motorsports (FMS) at This is a free league that provides a lot of fun and close racing.

Special Thanks to John Alley and everyone at Freedom Motorsports for their assistance in helping to improve these tracks. Visit them at:

Special Thanks to Petre Tutunea (malvictis) for allowing us to use his great looking track loading screens. His generosity to the community can be seen at:

Credit for the Flagman goes to Keeper:

Credit for the pit road lights goes to JoeB at:, thanks JoeB.

Report any problems or comments at: or email me at

Additional thanks to Drew Brunson for Infineon texture updates; William Bradshaw for various texture updates.

Have Fun!

All Trademarks acknowledged, and are the property of their respective owners.

This track release is free to use for personal use and may NOT be sold or distributed for commercial purposes, or money exchanged for this track or any part thereof. JNS Tracks is distributing this track free of charge in the hope that it will be useful to the community but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Got the track pack done. Created a installer and am now beginning to upload to the various free hosting sites. Being on a slower connection, it'll take a while. I would venture a guess to say that the target release date will be this Friday, August 20th.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Engine Work

A new engine torque curve and HP has been created. Now closely reflects available dyno numbers.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Suspensions Updated & Track Pack

Did work on 3/4 of the suspensions early this morning. Had to get upper control arm angles within realistic ranges. Also did some background work on the diffuser.

Heard back from Joe. Barring any catastrophic event, on Wednesday I will begin uploading files in order to release the new FMS track pack.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

New Downforce Numbers

Got some new downforce numbers calculated and plugged in and I think I've settled on one that provides realistic balance, also helping with the bottoming out. It's comparable to a case of three people seeing the same thing, yet describing three different things. It's all a matter of how you view something.

Still fighting to get the diffuser numbers working as it should in real life.

Going to make some control arm angle adjustments on the 22 suspensions this weekend.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Track Pack 4.0 Is Nearly Ready

The FMS Track Pack 4.0 is nearly ready for release. Very, very close.

I had one small issue that I couldn't fix on the texture side of things, so I've sent it up to Joe Evans to see if he may be able to provide a fix.

Once complete, I'll be looking for hosting and begin initial uploading thru the usual free sites. I believe that you guys are going to be impressed with the quality of these tracks. In my opinion, it supersedes the quality of the 3.0 release.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Culprit

The culprit of my recent problem appears to be a front downforce issue with the front springs. Either the new diffuser upgrade coming up will solve the problem, or I'll be forced into a SpringMult. Hoping the former works!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Any Work Is Good Work

Been doing some smaller work lately. Fixed an axis issue with all of the rear suspensions, a simple edit really. Working on some fixes for a certain issue the car is having, which is leading me into doing some much needed work on the diffuser.

Also, I've gotten back into downforce work a bit. Interestingly, my physics and math for the front end is accurate within 20 pounds of real life data taken from 2002. Only problem is, the rear end aero balance data is vastly different. Not going to touch it, though. If the math for the front end is correct, then so too is the spoiler. I'll chalk up any downforce and/or aero balance gains being made in the body department. A lovely grey area, indeed!

Monday, August 2, 2010

New Car Models

New car models appear to be in the pipeline for the NSS mod. In addition to one friend doing initial work, another has talked to me about wanting to modify and update the current models.

It's these guys who will get all of credit for how the NSS cars look, and it appears to be in great hands.

Nothing new to report on the physics side of things. Stepping away for a bit to avoid burnout and to reinvigorate myself with ideas and solutions.